Monday, March 2, 2009

Weight Loss, Common Sense and Science For Health

Hi there. I am a Chiropractor with a great interest in staying healthy. Not only for me, but also for my family, my friends and patients and any one who wants to listen. My recipe for health is:
1.Good nutrition. Fresh fruit and vegetables rich in anti-oxidants. Very little processed foods. Supplements when required.
2. Chemical free water.
3. Good sleep patterns.
4. Recognising and dealing with stress in your life.
5. Fully functioning nervous system. ‘The nervous system controls and co-ordinates all the organs and systems of the body and relates the individual to his environment’ Gray’sAnatomy
6. Exercise

Let me expand on Nutrition. Take a look in the mirror. Are you overweight? Overweight is not truly healthy. Think back to what we know about the way our ancestors ate for thousands of years. Most were lucky to eat one good meal a day. Insulin stored the “excess for those no food days. The strong survived and passed their genes down to their progeny -us. What do we do? Stuff ourselves with” 3 good meals a day” regardless of how much output we have.
The Truth? Put more fuel into your system than you can use and it will be converted to fat and stored somewhere most inconvenient on your body beautiful.
If you are overweight it is not because you have big bones-how often I have heard that - it is because you eat too much so weight loss never happens. (Some medications can put on weight)
So, fat or thin- where to start being healthy?
Consider that our store bought foods may be poisoned with chemicals that keep bugs away. Our personal care products can contain cancer causing chemicals. There are over 30,000 harmful chemicals in our industrialised world.
These chemicals cause free radicals to form. Oxygen consists of 2 molecules as in O2 . This is a stable molecule. Chemicals like to steal one of these O molecules which pisses the other O molecule off considerably and it starts shooting of all around the cell, doing damage to the cell where it hits and sometimes it damages the nucleus so the cell does not replicate itself properly. It Mutates. That is oxidation damage. In our amazing bodies we have an anti oxidant system to take care of all these mutations, but sometimes the system is overwhelmed and some mutated genes and cells start growing and whammo, we have the dreaded cancer.
That is where anti-oxidant supplements come in. Vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc and Selenium are but a few. My advice is to get yourself a good multi vitamin, because anti-oxidants often need the help of the minerals to be assimilated into the body.
And do eat sensibly. Don’t stuff yourself with food. Have a glass of water – filtered- when you think you are hungry.
Well, that’s my first blog. I do hope someone reads it and takes the time to comment.
Next blog: A Common Sense approach to Weight loss.


  1. Hello there,

    Dr Sue Hegel suggested your blog to me and I will follow along. Thanks! Mardee

  2. I like it.
    Time for a new blog!
